A. Build to H1 Clean & Jerk

B. “Mary” *Benchmark workout

AMRAP [20]:

5 HSPU (k-allowed)

10 Pistols

15 Pullups (OR sub 7 Strict Pullups)



A. Build to H1 Split Jerk/Push Jerk

B. “Cindy” *Benchmark workout

AMRAP [20]:

5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Squats


Donate to the earthquake relief fund here

(this fund was setup by Tracey “TFoots” and her husband Jeremy – details on the fund can be found in today’s comments.)

Firestarter Challenge Competition (beginners and intermediates).  Click link for more details.


Kim’s going to Regionals and you can support her by purchasing a “Team Kim 2015″ shirt!  All funds will go toward her competition costs.

Click here for link to get yours.  The deadline to order is Sunday May 3rd!


05 01 15

One thought on “05 01 15

  • 04 30 2015 at 10:12 pm

    From Tracey “TFoots”:

    I apologize for the interruption and for the impersonal email. I hope this message finds you all happy and healthy.

    As many of you are aware, the April 25th earthquake devastated many parts of Nepal, causing massive damage in the capital city of Kathmandu and virtually flattening many villages in the Kathmandu Valley and remote villages in hard-to-access mountainous terrain. My husband, Jeremy, and I traveled to Nepal in late 2013 and made many friends and grew to deeply care for the people of Nepal.


    Although we are actively fundraising for larger, more established charities dedicated to providing disaster relief in Nepal, we are also trying to help some of the individual families that we know personally and who are in need of specific assistance. We set up a Gofundme page for one particular family that befriended us while we were trekking in the Himalayas. This family (Mingma, Fumu, & Tsezi Sherpa) are some of the most hardworking & earnest people we know who had their lodge/home, which was their livelihood, destroyed by the earthquake and will have to rebuild their lives. They were victims of a devastating village fire a couple years ago and were still trying to recover when this tragedy struck. Right now they are sleeping outside and have limited resources.
    Here is the link for their gofundme site we built on their behalf where you can view pictures of their lodge in its previous/current state and the pictures of the family we are trying to help.
    100% of any donations will go directly to this family.
    Please share this site with any friends, family, or community members you know who are looking to donate to help the victims of the Nepal earthquake.
    If you are interested in donating to other charities you can send me a private message and I will send additional links to reputable charities, NGO’s, & organizations raising money for disaster relief. Some are also looking for volunteers to help fundraise.
    Thank you so much for your generosity and for spreading the message!
    Tracey & Jeremy Footer

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