A. T(2) or solo; FT:
40/35 Cal Row
40 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
40 DL (185/125)
40 WB (20/14)
40 Ring Dips
40 WB
40 DL
40 Box Jump Overs
40/35 Cal Row

*T(2): scale up reps to 50’s or 60’s

*B. T(2): FT:
2-2-2-2-2 LLRC
20-16-12-8-4 C&J

C&J loads increase each rd. Final load ~80% 1RM.


Lets work on your nutrition! (link) – seminar this Sunday!  

Transformation Challenge begins next Monday!


WODBODY Sports Massage will be at the gym on 5/16. Signup sheet at gym.

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