A. Push Press: Heavy (5-4-3-2-1)

Redo any set (and add weight) if too light.

*Focus on transferring as much leg power into the bar/DB’s as possible.


B. AMRAP [3] x 4

18/13 Cal Row [C1:30]

15 BF Burpees [C2:30]

Max PP w.r.t. (135/95)

*Scale row and burpee to finish within [C]
C. Athlete’s choice:

5 sets of 6-10 K-CTBPU, rest as needed


q(0:30), [10]: 1 set strict pullups (As high as possible)


D*. NFT: Full Snatch: 10-8-6-4-2 (ascending load per set)



A. Push Press: 5xH7 or DBs


B. AMRAP [3] x 4

18/13 Cal Row [C1:30]

10 Burpees [C2:30]

Max DB-PP w.r.t.


C. Athlete’s choice:

q(0:30), [10]: 1 set strict pullups or 1-2 Negatives


Happy Birthday to Lindsay “Berger”!

10 04 17