TI 2014 Sunday Staff

The amazing staff on Day 2 of the Triangle Invitational.


Halloween workout on Saturday!


WOD 10 28 14

A1. Bench Press 5×7 AHAP

A2. Strict T2B 5×8 or Lying Leg Raise 5×8 @ (5021)

B. Every 3:00 x 5 rounds:

For 30 seconds, perform as many legless RC to 10′ line as possible.  Then, perform 2 x that same number of STO (155/105).  (i.e. 5 rope climbs, 10 STO)  Active rest for the remainder of the 3 minutes (light jog).  Score is total reps.

If you don’t have legless RC, substitute chinups OR seated rope climbs (finish in standing position).

Post times, loads, and comments.

10 28 14
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One thought on “10 28 14

  • 10 28 2014 at 10:26 am

    Nice to get back into the groove. I must say though, I’m glad it wasn’t heavy today.

    A1. 115#. This felt just right for a set of 7. 5-10 more pounds would have ruined the future sets i think. [8]
    A2. These are friggin hard. With fixed assist from the back (thanks Roger) I was able to get straight-ish legs up toes to eye level. Big big change from the last time I tried this for sure. Without breaking at the back though, my hamstrings won’t ever let my toes find the bar in the future.
    B. 3/6 each round, legless, 95# push jerks. Wrist remains unhappy with me, leaving it kind of light for jerks.

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