Test Week is upon us!

A. [25] to establish a 1RM BS (6×H6)

B. [15] to establish a 1RM PP (5×H5)

C. Max rep strict Pullup (same) or max flexed arm hang (supinated grip)

D. FT: Row 500m (same)

Congratulations to Dunsey, Matt, Jess, Roger, Kris, and Kim for a great job at the “Beer City Beatdown” in Asheville on Saturday!  Sarah, Matt’s team finished 14th, Jess and her friends finished 15th, and Kris, Kim, and Roger’s team wrapped up the day with a dramatic comeback to take 1st place overall in a very challenging Rx Co-ed division of 24 total teams.  Great work guys!

Jess Beer City T2B

10 12 15
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2 thoughts on “10 12 15

  • 10 12 2015 at 5:07 pm

    Way to go, guys and gals!! Great job at the Beer City Beatdown!!

  • 10 12 2015 at 9:03 pm

    Thanks for the shout out Lei! We were all rockstars for sure- team dance party brought the noise though!

    Great job on all those PR’s today!

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