12 20 14

WOD 12 20 14 P A. [25] (Squat) Snatch to a heavy single. B. AMRAP [2]: T2B C. With a running clock: @ 0:00 4 RFT: 4 OHS, 165/115 4 Muscle ups @ 10:00 3 RFT: 12 Power Snatches (95/65)** 12 T2B @ 20:00 3

12 03 14

WOD 12 03 14 F A. OHS 5×5 or Goblet squats (5×10) B. Deadlift: Work up to a heavy set of 6. C. 7 Rds: {0:45/1:15} 5 BS @ 70%, 5 T2B/AbMSU, max burpees in remainder of work time.*   P A. q(1:30)

11 05 14

WOD 11 05 14 P A1. OTM [12] Hang Snatch + 2 OHS A2. OTM [12] 2 Snatch Halting Deadlift  (2 second pause just above knee, return to ground) + Snatch B. BS: 5×2 Work to a heavy double C.