A1. OTM [12]: 3 BS

A2. OTM [12]: 10 V-ups or Hollow Rocks


B. FT [C15]:

15 Clean and Jerk (135/95)

21 Ring Dip

3 RC

12 Clean and Jerk (135/95)

15 Ring Dip

2 RC

9 Clean and Jerk (135/95)

9 Ring Dip

1 RC



A1. OTM [12]: 3 BS

A2. OTM [12]: 10 V-ups or Hollow Rocks


B. FT [C15]:

21 Medball Cleans (20/14)

21 Ring Dip

3 RC

15 Medball Cleans

15 Ring Dip

2 RC

9 Medball Cleans

9 Ring Dip

1 RC


*Pushups for dips if you cannot perform 10 strict u/b pushups from toes.

Post times, loads, and comments.  Who wants to face off in our last Friday Night Lights heat?  Post suggestions to comments.


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