If you’re going planning to road trip with us to the CrossFit Games Regionals competition, email us so we can get tickets purchased and start planning logistics ASAP!


WOD 04 29 13

A. Back Squat

B. 3 Rounds

30 sec ME WB (30#, 9’/20#, 9′)
30 sec Rest
30 sec ME T2B
30 sec Rest
30 sec ME Dips
30 sec Rest

C. BB or DB Lunge (1 step forw + 1 step back = 1 rep ) 3×8.*


Your fiercest competitor

Lori Lisa Wallball

04 29 13
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8 thoughts on “04 29 13

  • 04 29 2013 at 7:55 am

    Has Phil read this (Your fiercest competitor) yet?

    • 04 29 2013 at 7:57 am

      And, to add to this, in all seriousness, there is a lot of truth to this post. Through CrossFit, I have learned a lot about focusing on myself and not Phil.

  • 04 30 2013 at 12:47 pm

    A. 140 (umm, did anyone notice Kim doing a set of 20 at 200. I sure did. wowza)
    B. 16,16,16
    6, 5, 3
    Really wanted to maintain on all movements but dips need daily work.
    C. 45lb barbell. Played with back rack, front rack, and overhead position on these. All DOMS everything today.

  • 04 30 2013 at 1:35 pm

    A. 120#
    B. 15, 13, 13 WBs; 6, 8, 8 T2Bs; and 9, 8, 8 Walker Dips with a Red Band.
    C. 45# barbell and it turns out that I prefer the front rack position for these.

    • 04 30 2013 at 5:58 pm

      according to D this is only 15# more than what Kim did…i mean…

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