A. Work to H1 Snatch

B1. Bulgarian Split Squat: 3×8 per leg

B2. Hollow hold: 3 sets (0:30)

C. OTM [12]:

1 H1 Clean

1 round of (4 S-Pullups + 6 Pistols + 8 Pushups)


Continue as long as possible – decrease reps if needed.



A. Work to H1 Pause OHS or H3 BS

B1. same

B2. same

C. OTM [12]:

1 DL (275/185)

1 round of (1 Pullup Neg as slow as possible + 4 BJ + 4 Pushups)

Continue as long as possible – decrease reps if needed.

Post times, loads, and comments.

06 05 15