WOD 06 14 14

A. EMOM [20]: Split Jerk (light to work technique – no misses). If you decide to go heavier, do so in last 3 reps.

B. In teams of 2, with 1PW@T: (Partner A /Partner B) [21]:

500m Row / 125 DU

125 DU / 500m Row

50 DL (275/185) while partner holds bar (working partner alternates every 5 reps)

50 T2B while partner hangs (working partner alternates every 5 reps)

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06 14 14
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One thought on “06 14 14

  • 06 13 2014 at 10:13 pm

    Woooo! Was wondering when the solidarity workouts were coming! 🙂

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