A. OTM [10]: 1 Squat Snatch, build to H1


B. BS: 3×2, across


C. 6 RFT [C9]:
9 Thrusters (105/75)
12 Pullups


D*. 5×2 Snatch Pulls, Climbing


A. OTM [10]: 2 OHS + 1 Pause OHS


B. BS: 3×2, across


C. 6 RFT [C9]:
7 Thrusters
11 Pullups (Jumping/Kipping/both)


Summer going away social + Rowing Clinic 6/26


Athlete Profile: Alex


Do you know any friends or family who would be interested in our B3 Bootcamp Program?  We offer a free trial class to anyone interested, so please have them contact us if they’re interested!

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