Social 8/23!


WOD 08 21 13

A. Push Jerk (6×2, 3×1).  Work up to as heavy of a single as you can while maintaining form.

B. 12 min:

Cash in: 4 rounds (Adv:6 rounds) of:

6 STO (135/95)

9 T2B

12 Wallballs (20/14)

In remaining time, complete AMRAP Over-the-bar burpee (not Bar Facing).

Post times, loads, and comments.

08 21 13
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3 thoughts on “08 21 13

  • 08 21 2013 at 9:45 am

    Holy giant mob this morning!

    A: 195#, tied PR. Failed twice at 205#, probably could have gotten it a bit earlier in the sets

    B: ~10:30 for 4 rounds + 16 OTB burpees, rx

  • 08 21 2013 at 11:16 pm

    A. Worked to 83#
    B. 3 rds + 7 burpees. 10# wallball
    C. More negatives and then one attempt to an actual chinup. I’m so freakin close. I’ll get it tomorrow… because I won’t leave until it is mine.

  • 08 22 2013 at 10:00 am

    seriously the mob is truly becoming a MOB!

    A. squeezed in 3 at 125
    B. 17 burps ADV

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