WOD 11 17 14

A1. BS 6×4 Across*
A2. 6 x [1 set CTBPU / 5 K-Pullup / Kip practice (without pull)]


B1. 5 sets: Max Parallete L sit or hollow hold. Rest for remainder of min.
B2. Horiz Ring/Bar Body Row (5×12)*


C. 8 RFT [C12]:

9 WB

2 Cleans (any style) (185/125)


*A1: Heavier than last Monday

*B2: Engage scapula pull, then bring chest to rings. Elbows should track slightly outside sides (but not touching sides).  Ring/Bar MUST contact just below sternum.

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CFRTP Holiday Party!

Bring a friend!

11 17 14
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