A. q(1:00) x 8
Min 1: 4 FS
Min 2: 8 BS
*57% of 1 RM FS

B. q(1:30) x 5
1 pausing snatch pull + 2 snatch pulls
*1 sec pause at knee

C. FT [20]
42 PU
21 PS 115/85
15 OHS
18 BMU
9 Squat Snatch


A. q(1:00) x 8
Min 1: 4 FS
Min 2: 4 BS
*keep weights light enough to achieve the reps (heavier than last week)

B. q(1:30) x 5
1 set of pushups
*try parallette pushups for a change

C. FT [20]
30 pulldowns
40 Plate GTO
30 RR
30 GS
30 pulldowns
20 KB taters
*pulldown weight for 2-3 sets to make 30 reps

WU: 2x
20 High knees + 10 Cossack Squats + 3 sPU


11 29 20 or 1130 20