WOD 12 03 14


A. OHS 5×5 or Goblet squats (5×10)

B. Deadlift: Work up to a heavy set of 6.

C. 7 Rds: {0:45/1:15} 5 BS @ 70%, 5 T2B/AbMSU, max burpees in remainder of work time.*



A. q(1:30) for [12]: Snatch DL @ 80% tempo (to knee) + Snatch + OHS (9×1)

B. q (1:30) for [6]: (2 Sn DL + 1 Snatch Pull) @ 110%.  Panda Pulls if technique feels good.(5×1)

C. 7 Rds: {1:00/1:00}: 5 BS @ 70%, 8 T2B, max burpees in remainder of minute.


*All BS should not take more than 0:20.  T2B should not take more than 0:20.

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Don’t forget to Bring Your Friends this week!

Holiday Party on 12/13!


12 03 14
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