A. OTM for as long as possible
7 Thrusters 75/55
7 PU
7 Burpees
*After 10 rounds add 1 rep to each movement every round until failure

B. q(4:00) x 5
3 u/b sets (9 total reps)
1 High Hang Squat Clean
1 SC
*start around 40-45% of 1RM Squat Clean


A. OTM for as long as possible
7 AS or light GS
7 Burpees
*After 10 rounds add 1 rep to each movement every round until failure

B. q(4:00) x 5
10 Ring Rows
10 Double DB Hang Snatch
10 Double DB FS
*Hang Snatch + FS are 20 u/b reps
*increase DB weight each round if form allows

WU: 2x
10cal Row + 30sec Wall Sit + 10 DB sPress + 5 AS


Extra: 3 Sets
10 Rower Pike Ups
30 Hollow Body Scissor kicks
50’ Quadruped Crawl
Rest 2min between sets

3 11 20