Garage Gym

A. FT [10]
100 DU
75 DU
50 DU
25 DU
*50’ HS Walk after each set of DU

B. @ 0:00 run 1 mile
@ 10:00 Row 130/100 cal
@ 20:00 Bike Erg 130/100 cal or 100/70 AAB

Home Workout (Bodyweight/limited equip)

A. FT:
80-60-40-20 Lateral hops
0:30 HS Hold or 0:60 Plank after each set of Lateral Hops

*Try to hop back and forth over a line. *Increase difficulty by hopping laterally over a small object like a shoe

B. FT:
30 Burpees
3 mile Bike
30 Burpees

*Scale to 15-20 burpees
*Scale to 2 miles

WU: 3x: 20 JJ + 5 inchworms

3 17 20

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