A. q(1:00) x 10
2 Box Squats or Pause BS
*60% of 5 RM BS
*box height at parallel

B. FT [25]
1000/800m Row or 800m Run
30 BMU
10 rounds of Macho Man
*Macho Man = 3 PC + 3 FS + 3 PJ
*if you can’t complete 10 u/b BMU when fresh reduce reps. Cap BMU @ 15:00 mark in the workout

Extra: q(3:00) x 3
75’ double DB FR WL
*Build weight across 3 sets


A. q(1:00) x 10
2 Pause BS
*60% of 5 RM BS
*2sec Pause in bottom position (22X1 tempo)

B. FT [25]
1000/800m Row or 800m Run
30 sPU, CU or Pulldowns
10 rounds of Macho Man
*Macho Man = 3 DB Hang Snatch + 3 DB FS + 3 DB PP
*Double DB or single DB (alternate arms each round if single DB is used)
*if you can’t complete 10 u/b sPU when fresh reduce reps. Cap PU @ 15:00 mark in the workout

WU: 2x
200m Row + 10 AS + 5 PU


5 1 2021