10 22 14

WOD 10 22 14 A. FS 7×4 across B. Wide stance good morning 3×10   C (P): [15] NFT: 2 armed KB farmers carry length of gym x 2 1 set T2B (start with at least 7 reps) 2 armed

10 04 14

WOD 10 04 14 A1. OTM [30]: Def HSPU (4-8 reps) / DB Press (4-8) A2. OTM [30]: Ring Dip (4-8 reps) A3. OTM [30]: Wide Grip Pullups B. In teams of 2 w/ 1PW@T: AMRAP [16] 200m Farmers Carry (53×2,

07 05 14

July 5th, 6th: Regular hours   WOD 07 05 14 A. [20] HS Skills – play with HS. In teams of 2, with one running clock for 16 minutes, perform B and C: B. AMRAP [8]: Partner A: 1 rd