10 04 14

WOD 10 04 14 A1. OTM [30]: Def HSPU (4-8 reps) / DB Press (4-8) A2. OTM [30]: Ring Dip (4-8 reps) A3. OTM [30]: Wide Grip Pullups B. In teams of 2 w/ 1PW@T: AMRAP [16] 200m Farmers Carry (53×2,

05 10 14

WOD 05 10 14 A. This. See rules below. 5 rounds x [7 sets of (Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press)] Rules: Rest as needed between rounds as needed.  There is no time component.

05 06 14

Send Kim to Regionals T shirt Fundraiser!   WOD 05 06 14 The weight on the bar cannot decrease throughout [A,B,C].  Misses are allowed during C only. A. EMOM [4]: Press (4×3) B. EMOM [3]: PP (3×3) C. EMOM [5]: