A. Strict Press (3 @ 63%, 3@ 72%, ME@ 81%) B. Strict Pullups (As many as possible in 3 minutes. Score is total reps). *Adv: Wide Grip or Weighted (required if you can do 15 or more). C. With one continuous
04 14 13
WOD 04 14 13 A. 20 min to establish a 1RM Deadlift. Alternatively, you may choose to establish a 3RM T&G Deadlift. Keep that back supported! B. “Cindy” 20 min AMRAP 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Squats Post times, loads,
04 06 13
We will be celebrating the end of the CF Games Open today! WOD 04 06 13 13.5 Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of: 15 Thrusters (100/65) 15 CTB Pull-ups If 90 reps (3 rds)