Ready to dial in your nutrition in 2013? Let’s DO IT TOGETHER! Seminar @ 12-1:30PM today. WOD 12 29 12 A. Split Jerk 8×1. Start at PP 1RM. Add weight after perfect lifts. B. “Dirty Thirty” Run 400m 30 Box
12 18 12
Holiday Schedule: Normal hours thru 12/23 12/24: Closed 12/25: Closed 12/26: 5PM WOD only. All other classes cancelled. WOD 12 18 12 A1. (Deload) Bench Press: (5@36%, 5@45%, 5@54%) A2. 3×8 Deficit Pushups (using 45# plates x 2 high)
12 13 12
Have you RSVP’d to our Holiday Party!? WOD 12 13 12 A1. Deadlift (5 @ 68%, 3@ 77%, ME@ 86%) A2. Pullups B. For time: 7 Squat Cleans (185/135) 3 Muscle Ups 40 Double Unders 5 Squat Cleans (185/135) 5 Muscle