A. Open Workout 14.2
0:00-3:00 2 rds of: 10 OHS + 10 CTBPU
3:00-6:00 2 rds of: 12 OHS + 12 CTBPU
6:00-9:00 2 rds of: 14 OHS + 14 CTBPU
*continue adding reps 2 reps every 3 minute until you fail to complete 2 rounds. Target at least 3-4 rds (9:00-12:00)
*95/65 OHS, scale the weight to a load you can complete most sets u/b with
*Sub FS or GS for OHS
*Sub Light Pulldowns for CTBPU
*If you fail to complete the reps required per round, reduce by 2 reps each movement and complete at least 3 rounds of [3] minutes.
*Beginners should start at a lower number (6/6 or 7/7) and +1/+1 each round.

B. q(1:00) x 16
Min 1: 20sec Side Plank Hold (each side)
Min 2: 12 alternating leg V-ups + 12 Hollow Rocks
Min 3: 45sec Plank Hold
Min: 4: REST

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