A. 00:00-15:00 Establish a 10RM BS
15:00-17:00 REST
17:00-23:00 q(1:30) x 4
5 BS @ 80% of 10RM

B. AMRAP [10]
6 sHSPU or sPress (fat bar or DBs)
12 BJ
*aim for 5-7 rounds moving smoothly threw each movement and quickly in transitions between movements
*for an additional challenge sub wall facing sHPSU, GHDSU, and 30/24” BJ. Only those athletes who can do 15+ u/b T2B should be doing GHDSUs
*pick your scales to allow for mostly u/b sets of 6 on sHSPU and sPress

C. 3 RFQ
16 alternating DB Curtsy Lunges
8L/8R single leg DB RDLs
15 DB or Ring Skull Crushers

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