A. q(2:30) x 5
2 SC + 1 HSC +1 Jerk
*Starting at 70% and increasing each round
*complete all 3 cleans as quick singles, not u/b reps


A. q(2:30) x 5
3 position HPC + 1 Jerk or PP
*recovery bike between rounds at RPE 6

B. q(3:00) x 5
200m Run
15 T2B or 10 V-ups
10 Thrusters 95/65 or DBs
*aim to complete rounds by 2:30
*select a thruster weight you can complete each round of 10 reps u/b

C. Tabata [12]
Ring Dips
Banded Pull-aparts
Side Plank Hip Taps
*Tabata interval is 20sec of work followed by 10sec of rest for 8 intervals

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