Garage Gym

A. q(1:00) x 10
2 Box Squats
*50% of 1 RM BS
*Box height just below parallel

B. q(1:30) x 5
1 HPC (just above the knee)
1 HPC (just below the knee)
*60-65-70-70-70% of 1 RM PC

C. “DT”
12 DL + 9 HPC + 6 PJ
*155/105 lbs

Home Workout (Bodyweight/Limited equip)

A. AMRAP [18]
10 sT2B or V-ups
20 DB PS
60 DU/SU/Line hops

B. 5 Sets
5 Jump Squats
15sec Hollow Rocks
Rest as needed between sets

WU: 3x
5 Russian Baby Makers + 10 cal Row +15 Banded pull-aparts


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