Garage Gym
A. q(1:00) x 10
1 u/b set of sHSPU
*your lowest # of reps for set will be your score
*aim to hold your # of reps each set for 10 minutes
B. AMRAP [5]
15 Lateral burpees
21 PC 155/105
27/21cal Bike
REST [5]
15 Lateral burpees
21 PC 135/95
27/21cal Bike
REST [5]
15 Lateral burpees
21 PC 115/85
27/21cal Bike
C. q(3:00) x 8
400m Run
Home Workout (Bodyweight/Limited Equip)
A. AMRAP [20]
200m Run
7 DB CJ (Power)
40 DU/Line Hops
B. Not for Time 21-18-15-12-9
Single Arm Bent over Row (Left)
Single Arm Bent over Row (Right)
Overhead Tricep Extensions
WU: 2x
15cal Bike + 15 Glute Bridges + 10 sPress
4 28 20
Any alternatives for the walking lunges?
A walking lunge sub has been posted to the COVID Post