Garage Gym
A. q(4:00) x 5
60 DU
20 Jumping Lunges
Max rounds of Complex
Rest 1min
*complex = 3 PC + 3 FS + 3 STO
*Complex can be done with DB/DBs/or 115/85 barbell
B. Recovery Row
500m @ 2k Pace + 20sec
250m @ 2k Pace + 10sec
500m @ 2k Pace + 20sec
250m @ 2k Pace + 5sec
500m @ 2k Pace + 20sec
250m @ 2k Pace
Home Workout (Bodyweight/Limited Equip)
A. q(4:00) x 5
60 DU/SU/Line Hops
20 Jumping Lunges
Max rounds of Complex
Rest 1min
*complex = 3 PC + 3 FS + 3 STO
*Complex can be done with DB/DBs/or 95/65 barbell
B. 3 sets
9 single arm DB Rows (Left)
21 Good Mornings (with bar, DB, or Band)
9 single arm DB Rows (Right)
21 banded pull aparts
WU: 2x
15 JJ + 10cal Row + 10 AS + 10 pushups
5 6 20