A. DL 2×2 @ 80%
*deadstop DL, reset each rep

DL 2 x 1-2 @ 85%
*touch and go reps

B. q(8:00) x 5
30/21cal Row
21 KBS
Max Distance HS Walk or Wall Walks
REST [4]
*Wall Walks are an option if you would like to practice this movement

Extra: sPU [15]
Base your rep scheme off the u/b sPU test
*5 reps = 5-4-4-3-2
*10 reps = 9-9-8-7-6
*15 reps = 12-12-10-8-6
*20 reps = 18-16-14-10-6
*25 reps = 20-20-16-12-8
*Aim to complete sets u/b but if not that’s ok. Rest as needed between sets
*recovery pace bike 2 minutes after each


A. DL 5×5

B. q(8:00) x 5
30/21cal Row
21 KBS
Max HS/Plate hold or Hollow Hold
REST [4]

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