A. BP [20]
Sets 1-2: 6 @ 70%
Sets 3-4: 5 @ 75%
Sets 5-6: 4 @ 80%
B. 3 RFT [15]
10 FS 185/135
20 T2B
50 DU
Extra: Deficit sHSPU [15]
Base your rep scheme off the u/b sHSPU test
*5 reps = 3-2-1-1-1
*10 reps = 4-3-3-2-1
*15 reps = 9-8-7-6-5
*20 reps = 12-10-8-6-4
*25 reps = 18-15-12-8-4
*use 25lb plates for deficit
A. q(3:30) x 5
1 set of pushups (8-15 rep range)
100’ double DB or KB Farmers Carry
Bike Remaining Time
B. 3 RFT [15]
10 GS (Moderate to Heavy)
50 SU or Plate hops
10 12 21