A. q(1:15) x 4
1 low hang snatch @ 75%
q(1:15) x 4
1 hang snatch @ 80%
q(1:15) x 4
1 snatch @ 85%
*Any miss means you must use your last made weight for the remainder of the sets. There should be zero misses in the 75-85% range

B. T(2-3) AMRAP [10]
30 DU or SU (each/at the same time)
10 T2B or ABMSU (synchro)
10 OHS 115/75 or GS (synchro)

Extra: 4 rounds
10 DB lateral raises


A. q(1:15) x 12
Min1: 5-7 OHS
Min2: 50’ Sled Push or 100’ FC
Min3: 10 Supermans or Hip extension with 2 second hold at the top

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