A. q(2:30) x 6
1 PP + 1 PJ +1 SJ
*Start at 70% of 1 RM PP or 55% of 1 RM SJ


A. q(2:30) x 6
5 sPress + Recovery Bike
*sets across and slightly heavier than last week

B. 3 RFT [30] in Teams of 2
40/32 cals Echo Bike + 40/32 cal C2 Bike (2 PWAT)
30 DB Snatch (synchro)
20 HSPU or fat Bar sPress each (1 PWAT)
100’ double DB Walking Lunge (together)
*PWAT=People Working at a Time
*switch on the bikes at any time
*HSPU and sPress should aim for sets of 10 or more

02 04 23