A. q(3:00) x 5 AMRAP [2] 200m Run + max rep sPU REST [1] q(3:00) x 5 AMRAP [2] 250m Row + max rep T2B REST [1] *complete the run/row in under 60 seconds each round B. q(3:00) x 4
A. q(3:00) x 5 AMRAP [2] 200m Run + max rep sPU REST [1] q(3:00) x 5 AMRAP [2] 250m Row + max rep T2B REST [1] *complete the run/row in under 60 seconds each round B. q(3:00) x 4
P A. q(3:00) x 5 1 PC + 2 SC + 1 Jerk *80% of 1RM CJ *rest 10-15sec between cleans B. FT [23] 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DL 225/155 + DB BP 50/35 REST [3] 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Squat Clean 135/95 + DB BP
A. q(8:00) x 5: Run 800m 15 KBS (53/35) or 30 u/b DU 9 Burpees *cap work at 6:00