A. 10 rds (T2, alternate rounds with a partner) 50 DU 10 DB Thrusters 5-10 CTBPU or Pulldowns 10/8 cal Echo Bike *Cap each round @ 3:00. Pick a CTBPU number you can complete all 5 rounds u/b B. q(3:00)
02 21 23
A. FT [18] 30 T2B + 15 BP + 15 BJ 24 T2B + 12 BP + 12 BJ 18 T2B + 9 BP + 9 BJ *155/105 or Pushups. Athletes with fewer than 15 u/b pushups should avoid BP
02 20 23
A. q(3:00) x 6 @ 0:00: 5 Pause FS @ 3:00: 5 Pause BS 60% of your 1RM FS for all sets 1 second pause in the bottom on FS, 2 second pause on BS *Focus on control and positions