A. q(3:00) x 6 DL 7-6-5-5-4-4 *65,67,70,70,75,75% of 1 RM B. FT [18] 100 DU / SU 50 DB PS 25cal echo bike 100 WB / AS 25cal echo bike 50 DB Hang CJ 100 DU *single DB
02 14 23
A. AMRAP [14] 40/32cal Row 20 double DB Box Step Overs 40/32cal Row 20 HSPU or 12 sHSPU/Fat Bar sPress B. q(1:00) x 20 1: u/b set of BP @ 70% or Pushups 2: 100’ single arm DB/KB Suitcase Carry
02 13 23
A. q(1:00) x 10 Min1: 2 FS Min2: 4 BS 80% of your 1RM FS for all sets B. FT [26] 400m Run + 5 SC + 30 T2B REST [1] 400m Run + 4 SC + 25 T2B REST