04 04 23


A. q(1:00) x 25
Min1: 40-80 DU
Min2: 20 alternating DB Snatch
Min3: 50’ HS walk or 20-30 sec HS hold
Min4: 15/12cal Echo bike
Min5: REST

B. q(2:30) x 5
2 Power Snatches + 2 Squat Snatches
*Start around 60% and increase weight each round


A. Same

B. q(2:30) x 5
2 Hang Muscle Snatch + 2 BTN SnGp PP + 2 OHS
*2 second pause in the bottom of each OHS
*light-moderate weight

04 03 23

A. q(2:30) x 5
1 BS set
*65,65,70,70,75,75% of 1RM BS

B. FT [16]
75 WB or AS
60 PU, 30 sPU, 9 RC
45 PC 115/85 or KBS
30 Bar facing burpees

Extra: Tabata
Banded Pull aparts
Banded Bicep Curl
*Tabata interval is 20sec of work followed by 10sec of rest for 8 intervals

04 01 23

A. q(4:00) x 3
5-3-1 DL
Rd 1: 70,72,75%
Rd 2: 72,75,77%
Rd 3: 75,77,80%

B. FT in teams of 2
24 DL 315/225
24 sHSPU, wall facing HSPU or DB sPress
18 DL
18 sHSPU
12 DL
12 sHSPU

REST [5]

24/18cal echo bike (partner not biking holds 2 KBs in suitcase grip)
24 sHSPU or pushups
18/14cal echo bike
18 sHSPU
12/9cal echo bike
12 sHSPU

*pick a partner you can share a barbell with
*heavy DLs, capped at 70-75% of 1RM

*1 PWAT (person working at a time) for all movements