03 28 23


A. q(2:30) x 5
1 PS + 2 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS
*70% of 1RM Snatch


A. q(2:30) x 5
1 Hang Snatch Pull + 2 Hang Muscle Snatch + 3 OHS
*2 second pause in the bottom of each OHS
*light-moderate weight

B. AMRAP [12]
10 DB snatch (left arm)
20 WB or AS
10 DB snatch (right arm)
20 WB
15 DB snatch (left arm)
20 WB
15 DB snatch (right arm)
20 WB
*add 5 DB snatches each round

03 27 23

A. q(3:00) x 4
1 BS set
*50,55,65,70% of 1RM BS

B. q(6:00) x 4
500/400m Row
10 PC 135/95 or heavy KBS
10 PU or 5 sPU
Max distance HS Walk or HS hold
REST [2] or HS “playtime”
*target 45-60 seconds of HS work each round

03 25 23

A. Establish 1RM sPress [10]
q(2:00) x 6
5 sPress @ 60% of 1RM

B. 5 RFT in teams of 2
50’ double DB or KB suitcase Walking Lunge (each at the same time)
20 PP 135/95 or DB PP (total, 1 PWAT)
50-100 DU (each, at the same time)

C. 4 RFQ
8 Pendlay Rows
12 Ring or Bands Y-T-Ws
8 L / 8 R side plank feet elevated hip drops