02 22 23

A. 10 rds (T2, alternate rounds with a partner)
50 DU
10 DB Thrusters
5-10 CTBPU or Pulldowns
10/8 cal Echo Bike
*Cap each round @ 3:00. Pick a CTBPU number you can complete all 5 rounds u/b

B. q(3:00) x 6
2 dead stop/reset DL + 2 DL

02 21 23

A. FT [18]
30 T2B + 15 BP + 15 BJ
24 T2B + 12 BP + 12 BJ
18 T2B + 9 BP + 9 BJ
*155/105 or Pushups. Athletes with fewer than 15 u/b pushups should avoid BP and opt for pushups
*only BP on the squat stands away from the rig to free up T2B space. Also consider DB BP

100 Banded Bicep Curls
100 Banded Face Pulls
100 Banded Upright Rows
*5×20 on one movement before moving to the next movement

02 20 23

A. q(3:00) x 6
@ 0:00: 5 Pause FS
@ 3:00: 5 Pause BS

  • 60% of your 1RM FS for all sets
  • 1 second pause in the bottom on FS, 2 second pause on BS
    *Focus on control and positions

B. 2 Rounds
AMRAP [2:30]
25/20cal row + max rep WB
REST [1:30]
AMRAP [2:30]
25/20cal row + max rep Wall Walks
REST [1:30]