Seminar @ Noon today!
WOD 01 05 13
A1. Snatch* Halting Deadlift 5×2 (Heavy)
A2. Snatch* 5×2 (Adv: Pause below knee)
A3. Pullups
B. 4 RFT
3 Wall Climbs
6 Clusters (135/95)
9 Box Jumps (30/24)
*sub Clean if needed
Post times, loads, and comments.
01 05 13
did yesterdays workout today at home in between naps and feedings 🙂
had to modify a few things:
did a 400m run instead of the row, used 68lbs for OHS and C&Js, did assisted pistols and assisted ring dips instead of MUs
finished in 18:36
it sure feels great to work until I’m out of breath again but getting back into metconing is a lot harder than I anticipated…but its great to be at it again!