Road trip this Sunday!  Are you coming?

MLK Day Holiday Schedule: 7AM, 10AM, 6:30PM  All other classes cancelled.

Registration for the CrossFit Games Open is open!


WOD 01 20 14

A. BS (5@68%, 3@77%, ME@86%).  Target 4+ reps.

B. Strict Pullup (3×8) @ 4121.

C. EMOM, Perform x C&J (135/95)/Thrusters (95/65) and X burpees. AFAP

where X begins at 1.  If work is complete in <30 sec, X increases by 1.  If work takes >30 sec to complete, X remains constant.

The workout ends when the work cannot be completed within the minute.

Comments: What do you think when you see “EMOM”?

Post times, loads, and comments.

Martin Luther King Jr

01 20 14
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6 thoughts on “01 20 14

  • 01 20 2014 at 9:07 am

    Great 7AM today!

    A. 6@163#
    B. Managed 3 sets of 4 keeping with scheme.
    C. Got to 4 through 9th minute. Crapped out with one burpee on the 10th.

    When I see EMOM I see opportunity. I like the feeling that there will be some kind of break so I can regroup, center myself and get to the next set. I end up feeling very accomplished at the end of these workouts 🙂

    • 01 20 2014 at 10:18 pm

      So today’s War of the WODs announcement didn’t come until well after my gym visit this morning.

      SOOOOOO I came back in and worked on my snatches Han Solo, and with some help and prompting from Lei, Roger and Josh I am feeling better about them with some more weight on the bar. Even after I was all tuckered out I got to 93#.

      Feels good when all the pieces come together and work. 🙂

  • 01 20 2014 at 9:16 pm

    Holy 630PM Syndicate! What a class!

    Really inspiring to see everyone bust their butts every minute!
    I love EMOM WODs – they allow some recovery but really help build confidence and consistency!

  • 01 20 2014 at 9:17 pm

    Also welcome to Brad!

  • 01 20 2014 at 9:28 pm

    yeah, 6:30 was banging!! all I can say is that EMOM is a deceptive lady! But I like it!!

  • 01 20 2014 at 10:28 pm

    I came in, did things, had fun, wanted to hurl… I missed you guys!
    I’m a fan of EMOM – always a challenging, but nice when I have a few seconds to gather myself before the next minute.

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