WU: 4 rds: 5 casual burpees + 15’ Duck walk w/ wallball + 8 WB

A.  BS: “ME Set” *ME = Max Effort. This means try your best!

Choose a weight you can hit for 8-12 for last set. The % reference the load you choose.
WU sets:
8 reps @50%, Slow, pause

6 reps @75% – Speed
ME set: Max effort reps at chosen weight.

If you are capable of more than 15 reps, the weight you chose was too light. Use this as a learning opportunity to discover what you’re capable of in a single set!

B. AMRAP [17] “13.1”
40 Burpees to Target 6″
30 Snatch (75/45) / DB Snatch (50/35)
30 Burpees to Target
30 Snatch (135/95) / 30 2xKB DL (70/53)
20 Burpees to Target
30 Snatch (165/100) / 30 Jumping Squats
10 Burpees to Target
Max snatch reps (210/120) / Max Cal Row


C. AMRAP [9]: Choose 2-3 of the following:
Strict CTBPU
L-Sit Pullup (or body in hollow)
Strict PU
Assisted Pullup
Negative Pullup
*Control and quality is more important than total score

Choose 1:

D. 3RFT: 30 Thrusters 45/33
100′ SB Carry (150/100)
Rest [3]

E. 3RFT:
Run 800m
Ski 1000m/700m
Rest [4]

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