Run 3 Gym Lengths
Lunge 1 Gym Length
6 Air/Jumping Squats


A. FT: FS: 6×6 @ 75%
Rack and Unrack each set. In today’s workout, treat the “For Time” with some restraint. Complete the sets with a sense of urgency, but do not rush the sets if you know that your form will break down.

B. q(4:00) x 4 [16]
12 Box Step Overs (DB’s optional)
20 DL (225/155)
Max DU W.R.T.
(No rest before next round; transition @ 3:50)


A. same

B. q(4:00) x 4 [16]
18 Box Step Overs
20 2xKB DL or Trap Bar DL
Max High knees WRT

L45:A, B(x3)

Pick 2 (C,D, E)::

C. AMRAP [5] x 3
14 Alt. Pistols + 15 Push Ups + 10 P Snatch 135/95lbs
Rest [2]

D. AMRAP [4] x 3
Run 400m + Max Bike Cals
Rest [2]

E. 3 Rds: Max Reps OHS @ 60%, Rest [3]

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