A. Back Squat:

5@40%, 5@45%, 5@55%

5@60%, 5@70%, Max reps @ 80%


OTM [12]

B1. 1 set of strict Chinups* (F-2)

B2. 1 set of strict Pullups* (F-2)

B3. 1 set of wide grip pullups (use a band if necessary)

Make the sets difficult, but stay shy of complete muscle failure.


C. Row for max meters: [10]


D1. *Weighted lunge in place (1 forward, 1 back) 4×10 (each leg)

D2. *Glute Ham Raise 4×12



A. same


OTM [12]

B1. 1 set of strict Chinup negatives* (F-2)

B2. 1 set of strict Pullup negatives* (F-2)

B3. 1 set of wide grip barbell bent over row OR rest

Make the sets difficult, but stay shy of complete muscle failure.  Use a pullup bar whenever possible. Use a lat pulldown if pullup bar is too difficult.


C. Row for max meters: [10]


We are starting a new 12 week Foundational Strength Cycle today!  More details can be found using this link.

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