WU: 3 Rds:
0:40 Goblet Squats (hold bottom for 5 sec)
Run 200m
10 GHD Sit Ups
A. q(0:45) x 9, 1 Sq Clean at 73%-80%
B. AMRAP [10]
10 Goblet Hold Box Step Overs (70/53), (24”/20″)
10/7 Bike Cals
*Use weight that allows torso to stay upright as much as possible.
A. q(0:45) x 12, 3 Jumping Squats
(If good mechanics, use 15lb bar or PVC)
B. AMRAP [10]
10 Box Step Ups (not over) (24”/20″)
8/5 Bike Cals
FT: Run 400m
60 CTBPU or 30-40 Strict CTBPU
Run 400m
Seated DB Strict Press, 3×10, 1 ME set
Calf Raises 3×25
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