WOD 04 25 14
A. Establish a 5RM BP
B. Close Grip Bench Press* (3×8 AHAP – start @ 70% from A)
C. Time Trial: 2K Row
D: Immediately from row with zero rest:
3 Rds: (9 Strict HSPU, 27 DU)
Barbell Walking Lunge (Front Rack) length of gym x2 (95/65).
Time for (D) is scored from end of row.
*For CGBP, use a grip that is narrower than normal. Keep elbows tucked in close to the body and forearms should remain vertical throughout the lift.
Post times, loads, and comments.
04 25 14
Close grip bench press = TRICEPS PUMP aka Biceps pump, cause triceps are the biceps of the back of your arm.
I think you watch/worship Dom a little too much
“Too much” doesn’t exist. It’s a wonderful thing.
6 month supply of amazing creatine from Muscle Pharm, for $30 right now! http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/musclepharm/creatine.html?mcid=PE_Lite_042414&rmid=PE_Lite_042414&rrid=19146582
Wade, is that Paleo?
Paleolithic man ate red meat, red meat has creatine in it…. this is basically the same thing just without the meat…. so to answer your question, absolutely! 100%!
You’ve crushed my doubts
Phoenix home game tomorrow at 6:00 if anyone is looking for something fun to do!!