A. Back Squat (use % from template)

5@59%, 5@68%, 5@77% of (1RM + 10)


OTM [12]

B1. 5-10 Ring Pullup (20X1)

B2. 6-8 Pistols (leg off side of the box, toe touch ground if needed) Left leg

B3. 6-8 Pistols, Right Leg

B4. 0:30 forearm plank


C. AMRAP [12]

Run 400m

30 DU

20 WB


*D. 3×6 Glute Ham Raises



A. same (unless squat therapy)


OTM [12]

B1. 5-10 Ring Rows or Lat Pulldown

B2. 6-8 Step ups – left leg

B3. 6-8 Step ups – right leg

B4. 0:30 forearm plank


C. AMRAP [12]

Run 400m or Row 500m/400m

20 Jumping Jacks

20 Goblet Squats

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