A. OTM [12]: Build to Snatch (H1). Skip 1-2 minutes if needed.
B1. RDL (pause right below knee) 5×7
B2. Hollow hold to V-up: 5×10
C. FT:
7-5-3-1 of Cleans (205/143)
6-12-18-24: Dips (from high rings)- Kipping allowed
Extra: Snatch DL: 3×3 @ 110% Snatch 1RM, then Snatch Pull 3×2 @ 110% 1RM.
A. OTM [12]: 10 R-KBS or snatch Px.
B1. RDL (pause right below knee) 5×7
B2. Hollow Rock 5×10
C. FT:
21-15-9-3: FS (135/95)
6-12-18-24: Strict Pushup
There will be an advanced screening for the movie “Spy” on May 28th 7:30PM at Southpoint Cinemas in Durham. and we have free tickets to the screening. Follow this link to get your pass. Use code “CrossFitRTP”.
Memorial Day Weekend hours:
Sat: Normal hours
Sun: Normal hours
Mon: 9AM, 10AM. All other classes cancelled.