A. 4RFT:
16 KBS or KB Snatches
16 K-Pullups (CTB if you can)
16 WB (20/14)
B. Work to a H1 Thruster.
C. AMRAP [7]:
9 STO (135/95)
30 DU
Extra: Ab-rollouts: 8×2 (knees)
GHDSU: 5×15
06 03 15
A. 4RFT:
16 KBS or KB Snatches
16 K-Pullups (CTB if you can)
16 WB (20/14)
B. Work to a H1 Thruster.
C. AMRAP [7]:
9 STO (135/95)
30 DU
Extra: Ab-rollouts: 8×2 (knees)
GHDSU: 5×15