Deload week

A. Back Squat: 5@40%, 5@50%, 5@60% of (1RM + 10lbs)


B. q(3:00) x 3 rounds (perform all 3 movements within 3 minutes)

B1. 5-8 Ring Pullups (20X1)

B2. 8-10 Glute Ham Raise or Glute Bridge (2 sec hold at top)

B3. 0:40 Forearm plank (+weight if needed)


C. 3RFT:

Row (30/24) Cals (Scale cals as needed)

20 GHDSU / Hollow to V-ups / 20 AbMSU

50 DU

06 04 18

One thought on “06 04 18

  • 06 04 2018 at 11:25 am

    I feel the same way about Murph sister

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