A1. FS: 5@36%, 5@45%, 3@54%, 3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81% (1RM + 20lbs)

A2. Wide Grip pullups 3 sets of (10-11 reps).  Use negatives or assistance as needed 2:1


q(1:30) x 3 rounds

B1. 12 Pistols (off box) per leg

B2. 6 1A-DB Strict Press per arm (from bottom of squat if possible; otherwise seated)


C. 4RFT:

10 KB/DB PP (50/35)

2A DBs Farmers Carry w/ DB 70′

Run 200m

2 Rope Climbs (any style) – sub 6-8 rope chins per round



A1. FS: 5@36%, 5@45%, 3@54%, 3@63%, 3@72%, ME@81% (1RM + 20lbs)

A2. Pullups 4 sets x 10 reps


q(1:30) x 3 rounds

B1. 8 Box Step ups (high & challenging)

B2. 10 Bench dips or Strict Presses


C. same


Post times, loads, and comments.

06 22 18